We know that the hills have eyes, but do you know that the hills have a mineshaft, and crates of dynamites? Sounds like the hills are pretty much equipped isn’t it? Well, like fishes need water to survive, movies are pretty much run by a plot. What the hills sorely lacked, in this case, is a storyline.
Of course, one cannot expect a Academy Award nominated script in movies of explicit and graphic violence, like in this case The Hills Have Eyes 2. But hey if you want to glorify gore, display severed limbs and pride yourself with the wonderful skill of decapitation, by all means show it to us. But you might do better if you add a little more story into your gore. I'm sure it will work wonders. Its predecessor, The Hills Have Eyes, has a good blend of gore and a credible plot.
Just like Murphy's law, whatever can go wrong in this movie, will go wrong. So much for the National Guard's weaponry and tactics., the mutants seem to be tactically more superior than the Guards. Well of course, the mutants are stronger and as this 'game' is based in their backyard, let us pray that the Guards die a quick death.Turistas bombed and I'm afraid that The Hills are going down too. Let's just cross our fingers and hope Hostel 2 will have the cutting edge (pun fully intended).