Is this movie worth your $9.50?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hard Candy (2005)

Don't try to be too hard, it might be painful.
"Wah i think this movie is kinda disturbing." I overheard someone saying this after the end of this movie. And i was thinking, "Hmm, these guys haven't watch Irreversible yet!"

The story is like this: Girl meets man after hooking online for god knows how long. Girl follows man home. After a couple of cups of screwdrivers, someone gets knocked out. (Psst: Never drink something that someone mixes behind your back.)

Surprise suprise, its the man who is knocked out. Man is bound on a chair and let the games begin...

The movie picks up speed from here, twisting and turning with every close up scene. Leaving me in awe and keeping at the edge. Especially the surgical operation part. Damn! She is good. However be warned that this movie is full of dialogues. So if you are not the listening kind of person, i suggest you skip this and watch the bengish Long Hu Men instead. But i am sure that Hard Candy will leave your ball dangling, literally.



txq said...

but very ah beng! haha

txq said...

that makes me gd.. haha