Is this movie worth your $9.50?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Singapore Dreaming (2006)

Kah kin la, my review starting soon!

Singapore Dreaming is really a movie you can relate to.

What is your dream? Dreaming of becoming a footballer? An artist? It is good to have a vision in life, but can you afford to dream in this sunny island?

Singapore Dreaming is the second film by Colin Goh and Woo Yen Yen. Their first movie, Talking Cock the movie, was full of crude and slapstick jokes. Perhaps it was just the fun of filming a local movie then. However, this time round, things started to get more serious.

Why more serious? Perhaps its the cast the directors have assembled. And what an impressive cast it is. You got channel 8 veteran, Richard Low, Lim Yu Beng and one of Singapore's best MC, Alice Lim. Considering this is an independent film, the cast is pretty solid. (Of course, not forgetting Dick Su, Yeo Yann Yann and Serene Chan.)

Well, the story evolves around the Loh family. Pa (Richard Low) hates living in a HDB all his life. He yearns for a comfortable retirement. And he pins his hope on Seng (Dick Su), who just graduated from the States. Seng's study is paid for by Pa and his girlfriend, Irene (Serene Chan). Seng finally returns home after 2 years of education. Ma (Alice Lim) is delighted but Mei (Yeo Yann Yann) remains skeptical. (Ma apparently digs brewing liang teh for the family.)Rounding off is Lim Yu Beng who stars as C.K, Mei's Army regular turned insurance agent. One day, out of the blue, Pa strike the 2 million lottery pot. Is this a sign that finally they can live the Singapore dream?

A typical Singapore family isn't it? These characters are so real that midway through the movie you might find that they resemble your mother, father, uncle or even yourself. Well, I've got a soft spot for C.K. He is the character that has the ambition but instead decided to work for money. (A familiar case eh?) C.K is a character that sums up the movie. He dares to dream but eventually succumbs to his fate. Well, this is Singapore and dreaming is for losers.


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