Slash. Block. Kill. Repeat.
Most of us probably don't know anything about the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) or who is Leonidas, Spartan King during that war torn era. Suddenly, 300 comes along. And holy s***, we don't know what hit us.
I write this review with a feeling of being just run over by those 300 fit (fit is seriously an understatement) men. But the after effect of being mowed down is not of pain. Instead I felt an overwhelming sense of determination after I left the cinema hall.
300 loosely tells the story of the Battle of Thermopylae and is the brainchild of Frank Miller, the creator of Sin City. So expect to be embraced by a very visual kind of cinematic experience. Prepare for stylish shots, elaborate acting, great fight choreography, superb one-liners and a heart pounding sound track.
The king of Persia, Xerxes is planning to conquer Greece, and later, Europe as part of his plan to be the 'king of kings'. Many small Greek cities bowed down to Xerxes but not Sparta, for the king of Sparta is one tough nut to crack.
Without the consent of his blind and corrupt cabinet, he leads a small army of 300 men towards Thermopylae. The 300 men show great courage and determination even though they are facing certain annihilation. This is masochism at its very best. 300 against the entire Persian army? You must be kidding.
Though not historically accurate, the main gist of the story is still intact. The figures are real, the characters are real and most importantly the fighting spirit of the 300 Spartans is real. The fantastical part of the movie will be the strange creatures fighting for the Persian Army. But hold your horses, this movie is after all an adaptation of a comic book. When is Spider man and the X-Men real? They are merely the result of human imagination. Yes, we pay to be the fool, but I would rather be a fool for 2 hours and enjoy the picture than be a genius that keeps whining over every single mistake.
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