Is this movie worth your $9.50?

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Informant! (2009)

'!' included.

The Informant! stars Matt Damon as Mark Whitacre, a toupee wearing employee of agriculture company, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). Vice president of ADM by elect, whisteblower by choice, this movie tells the tale of illegal of price fixing and (many) other dirty little secrets.

Ok, what can be so interesting with such a straightforward story of commercial fraud? Well, if you include a campy soundtrack, interesting character development (Well done Matt Damon, from Bourne to bumble with ease), an excellent supporting cast (never knew the FBI can be funny), great cinematography (Kudos to Steven Soderbergh) and tight pacing, The Informant! is indeed an engaging and humourous film. And not to mention the nitty gritty details like the bubblegum inspired typeface and Whitacre's monologue that , while being inane, adds a critical facet to his character and an extra dimension to this movie.

That's it for the review.But there's something else you should know.

I seldom give 4 stars to a movie.

1 comment:

rosa HD said...

300 dolares